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Hatfishing is a practice where a man purposely deceives a potential romantic partner by wearing a hat on every date to hide his rapidly receding hairline.

"She went on dozens of dates with Tom before it occurred to her that she had never seen him without his Ducati hat on. Her friends were right - she was being hatfished."

by Tzensant June 12, 2020


Hatfishing is a practice where a man purposely deceives a potential romantic partner by wearing a hat on every date to hide his rapidly receding hairline.

"She went on dozens of dates with Tom before it occurred to her that she had never seen him without his Ducati hat on. Her friends were right - he was hatfishing her."

by Tzensant June 12, 2020

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To clarify

The term 'to clarify' refers to the act of completely walking back something you recently stated, and claiming (falsely) that you meant the exact opposite.

"Everyone is lying about covid-19. The Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most. To clarify, covid-19 is real, my son has it, and I feel terrible for everyone who has died."

by Tzensant July 15, 2020