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Doing something for the first time with the intention of repeating it later

When he saw the cake he knew right away he that his first bite would be a prepeat of things to come

by UKinNY June 21, 2017


Incapable of either giving, receiving or enjoying love as a result of a disastrous dating past

I don't celebrate valentine's day as I am amoraplegic; My wife leaving me for my best friend left me amoraplegic

by UKinNY February 13, 2010


when the act of laughing makes you involuntarily swallow down the windpipe causing you to cough

When she hard that joke she caughed so hard

by UKinNY May 3, 2017

4👍 4👎


Person whose constant happiness, cheer and pep comes over as superficial, artificial and fake and thus annoys everyone surrounding them

The yayhole's constant cheer in troubled economic times was a source of much contempt.

The yayhole at work constantly celebrated every minor occasion, forcing everyone into the meeting room to half-heartedly sing, swap cards or eat donuts.

by UKinNY March 9, 2011

4👍 4👎