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Here's a real, non-biased definition:
It's a person's name, and it means maiden of the sea.

Hi, Mariana.

by UbernessBre December 23, 2008

962👍 739👎


A horribly written novel with a multitude of grammar mistakes that is full of cliches and Mary Sues/Gary Stus. For no particular reason, a bunch of twitards become crazily obsessed with this book just because of "OMG SOOOO SUPER HOT!!" vampire Edward Cullen. However, Edward is a pathetic excuse for a vampire because he has tons of strengths and no weaknesses. He's not weak to garlic, sunlight, or ANYTHING vampires are weak to. There's also no plot, it's just Edward and Bella being lovey dovey. Bottom line: It sucks.

Actual crappy text from the last page of Twilight's epilogue:
"'Yes,' I whispered so my voice wouldn't have a chance to break. If he thought I was bluffing, he was going to be disappointed. I'd already made this decision, and I was sure. It didn't matter that my body was rigid as a plank, my hands balled into fists, my breathing erratic . . .
He chuckled darkly, and leaned away. His face did look disappointed."

Seriously, Stephenie? o_o

by UbernessBre March 4, 2009

73👍 169👎