ratiosm: dominating strategies
Ratiosm statement on the pollution and climate change seems a covid-19 pandemism
MHSC - messaiah healing sabbath church
MHSC - messaiah healing sabbath church was found by prophet Jesmion the priest of the most highest God in 1986, the acronym of messaiah healing sabbath church - mhsc is madeup of four alphabets.
MHSC: Messiah's Healing Sabbath Church
MHSC always ready to attend anyany who came for God in sincerity
Sabbathus is a son of prophet Jesmion the priest of the most highest God, from Uruagu Umudioka Dunukofia local government area, Anambra state, west africa; his mother is a midwifery named Esther PC Nwogodo from Ire, Enugwukwu.
Umuogoulo: clan community in Uruagu village
Umuogoulo is to know the light that has shine from them, by prophet Jesmion whom God hath given a new name