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What's the only thing more scary than a bear or a snake? A spider. Bearsnake is a compound noun and generic term for a spider, formed by combining the names of 2 frightening creatures of the wild, the bear and the snake.

Bearsnake is typically used as an exclamation when a large scary spider is spotted in your immediate vicinity. There are some notable exceptions however. You will be ridiculed if you claim bearsnake on a small garden or house spider. However, for a particular leggy granddaddy-longleg spider, you are allowed to claim legbear. The ultimate and fortunately seldomly used version is wolfbear, which is reserved exclusively for the mighty tarantula. It is critical to never falsely claim wolfbear as this can render your friends in a state of panic and possible medical emergency.

Ahhhhh, bearsnake! At least it's not a wolfbear.

by UncleFreddy October 24, 2014

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