Well, For us Stays, Straykids' debut date was on March 25 and We also get to celebrate it on their Anniversary! Well I think when someone that is a non-stay here comes and see this I could introduce straykids to you! â
Stay1: It's March 25
Stay2: This means it's..
A New stay: What does it mean?
Stay2: I think we will have to introduce it to the new stay
Stay3: it's actually Straykids' Anniversary because Straykids debuted in March 25!
A New stay: Ohh okay
It's National Kpop Day! Kpop fans celebrate Kpop day in August 13, As All Stays, Dives, Armies, Onces, Blinks and other more fandoms, all of us could celebrate this National K-pop day but it's really unknowned to the world
Stay: What do you think it is today?
P1ece: It's August 13th
Once: No It's Actually National K-pop Day!
P1ece: We have National K-pop Day??!!
Stay: Yes!!