The act of going with a friend, similar to munting, (see munting) where a dead body is procured, preferably fresh, and banging it until it starts to shit, then eating the shit, throwing the body on someones porch, and throwing shit on their windows. Usually done by fucktards (see fucktard), tingle tards (see tingle tard) and other stupid people. It is not bunglewhumping unless you get caught.
Person 1:Dude wanna go bunglewhumping?
person 2:No, I dont wanna go to jail.
Person 1: Come on, you can have the majority of bodily fluids
Person 2: Oh, ok I guess, but only if we get (insert fucktard here)'s grandma
Person 1: Of course!
Then they end up in jail, and bunglewhump some inmates and end up in solitary.
Someone who is undeniably so retarded that simply calling them retard does not suffice, and you have to say something stupid back to them so they will understand.
Joe: Hey mike?
Mike:Whats up?
Joe: the sky haha
Mike: Shut the fuck up you goddamn tingle tard, thats why your mom's pussy is gray!
Someone who bunglewhumps with another person. (see bunglewhumping)
Either person bunglewhumping can be a bungle buddy, because bunglewhumping is traditionally done by 2 people. Group bunglewhumping is not unheard of, but is rare.
Me and jared are bungle buddies, and I can't wait to get out of prison to bunglewhump with him again!!! I love my bungle buddy jared!!!!!
when something bad happens and you unleash every expletive you know because it pisses you off royally
*light pole falls on brand new truck*
Joe: Jeez fuck dammit fucking shit what the hell man!!!
Joe: MY NEW FUCKING TRUCK?!!!!!!!!???
Joe: Jeez fuck dammit fucking shit what the hell FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!
Joe: commits suicide