The act of going with a friend, similar to munting, (see munting) where a dead body is procured, preferably fresh, and banging it until it starts to shit, then eating the shit, throwing the body on someones porch, and throwing shit on their windows. Usually done by fucktards (see fucktard), tingle tards (see tingle tard) and other stupid people. It is not bunglewhumping unless you get caught.
Person 1:Dude wanna go bunglewhumping?
person 2:No, I dont wanna go to jail.
Person 1: Come on, you can have the majority of bodily fluids
Person 2: Oh, ok I guess, but only if we get (insert fucktard here)'s grandma
Person 1: Of course!
Then they end up in jail, and bunglewhump some inmates and end up in solitary.