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Anti-vaxxer, flat-earther, QAnon believer. Apollo 11 denier and thinks aircraft Chemtrails are a government plot to cause brain failure (which doesn’t apply to them as this has already occurred).

Often angry, fat old white men but sometimes over-enhanced bimbo or Republican nominee from Louisiana

Invariably a red neck/chav/bogan. Drives a pickup with ‘True Patriot’ bumper sticker (or in Australia ‘fuck off we’re full’ sticker). Loved Brexit. Don’t like no Mexicans takin’ all our goddamed jobs.

Blames everything on Bill Gates, George Soros or Hillary Clinton.

Usually big-time Trump/MAGA supporter, can’t spell and YELLS on Twitter.

Those people carrying confederate flags and “Freedom” banners, screaming obscenities and shouting “four more years” are total cookers.

That person on TV with the mullet, eyes pointing in different directions and claiming Covid was a Bill Gates invention distributed by a Jewish Space Laser is such a stupid cooker

by UrbanCynic October 9, 2022

180👍 192👎