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A combination of the words "factual" and "accurate." Often, a statement that is accurate must be further categorized as one which also is based in truth.

Ok, now that was faccurate.

by UrbanMasterBait July 11, 2020


Oberation is the act of a horny woman going to the gas station manual vacuum and sticking the large tube into their vagina. No one knows what gives them the urge to do this, nor do they themselves know why. Other related words are: oberate, oberating, oberated, oberatiology, oberationist, oberationizer

Random Guy: "Damn man I saw Sally doing some oberation at the gas station last week."
Other Random Guy: "Really man? Why did she do it?"

by UrbanMasterBait September 10, 2014

33👍 6👎


A Jubiju is a traditional ceremony held by those of Jewish descent in which the oldest son of each family holds a soggy biscuit in their left hand and taps it to their kneecap on a cold summer day. Having a tender biscuit is seen as a disrespect for the proceedings which a Jubiju entails. Three rabbis must be present, and no red meat is allowed within a 57-foot (17.4 meters) of the ritual site.

Jew 1: Schmul, my brother, we must gather the biscuits. The Jubiju will be underway soon!

Jew 2: Make sure they are not tender, Epstein... and what about the rabbis?

Jew 1: Don't worry, Judah went out to fetch them nearly three hours ago!

Jew 2: Alright... I will tend to preparing the boys.

Jew 3: *Walks in* Shalom!

Jew 1: Samuel... what is that you are eating..!?!?

Jew 3: Oh, just a 72 oz. tenderloin, why?

Jew 2: NO!! We mustn't allow ANY red meat within the vicinity!

Jew 3: Oh, why of course! It completely slipped my mind... my greatest of apologies, kindred brethren. May the one and only Jehova look upon my soul with mercy and grace, for I have forsaken Him; as the Lord Himself said, "Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted..."-

Jew 1: ...alright, Samuel, save the banter for the Jubiju!

by UrbanMasterBait August 8, 2018


A measure of how severely an act or happening should be ridiculed and criticized based on the double-standards of pop culture. In other words, how ridiculable (expresses whether or not something is held to the standard of being ridiculed) something is.

That girl's outfit ranked a straight 69 on the ridiculability scale!

by UrbanMasterBait October 20, 2016

13👍 1👎


A creamy, white fluid expelled by various orifices of the body in times of a great excitement.

"Guy 1: Dude, I think I just slogged all over the place. It was too good."

"Guy 2: Bro, clean that shit up, it's gonna stain your mom's rug."

by UrbanMasterBait March 29, 2017

14👍 11👎


A term used and praised by the liberal woke crowd in an attempt to spread their political correctness crusade. In this circumstance, the left has assigned gender to a traditional Hebrew word used in prayer (amen) which can closely be translated to "so it be". Ironically, this agenda-centered move aimed at brainwashing and strong-arming the public into conforming with a disingenuous and mentally-diseased ideology only further proves the ignorance of the Democratic party and its leaders. At this new low, even by their standards, they have completely disregarded the language and history of cultures other than their own, yet they are typically the first to call out purported "cultural appropriation." Perhaps most ironically of all, in failing to instead create the new term "aperson," the left has simultaneously admitted that there are truly only two genders, as has been true and accepted for all of human history.

I am an ordained minister yet I am completely ignorant to the meaning of the traditional words used in my religion, so I will simply aim at being the most woke of all and create the new word "awoman" to be used in prayer, irregardless of all facts, logic, and history.

by UrbanMasterBait January 5, 2021

28👍 7👎


Conversely known as "Neurological Environmental Displacement Syndrome", N.E.D.S. is characterized by a non-lethal state of mental activity in which the subject(s) in question receives frequent, sometimes disturbing, flashbacks, memories, nostalgic relapses, or other strong feelings associated with being a place or being in that place. The variety of atmopsheres felt by the person can vastly differ in scale; from room-room, continent-continent, or even universe-universe. What most likely causes N.E.D.S. are the associative bonds formed with a particular biome, location, building, etc., being triggered by a surrounding factor (mostly a result of the sense of sight). Many causes of the knowledge of these places can vary from having been there, learning much about it at a young age, having played a video game/read a book/watched a movie, etc. Many report the feelings they get to be nostalgic more than depressing. The feelings are not hallucinations nor do they overtake a person. They come about most often naturally when a person is in deep thought. The overall feeling they receive from either experience or knowledge of that place overwhelms them, and a strong desire to visit that place fills them. N.E.D.S. is felt by every sentient being, no matter on what scale. The feeling someone has for a certain place may change greatly over time, depending upon the distance away, time apart, and connection to it. N.E.D.S. is only curable through death or a loss of mental activity.

I was sitting in my living room thinking to myself when all of a sudden feelings of the desert welled up inside of me. I have never been to the desert, but I have seen many movies and played many games containing it. I now may take a charter flighrt so South Sudan to fulfill this gaping hole in my very consciousness. It may be N.E.D.S.

by UrbanMasterBait April 4, 2017

6👍 1👎