When a situation you thought would be one way, turns out to be another. Usually something that you assumed to be positive, turns out to be negative. Can also be a bait and switch.
I found out today that my sister had been drinking from our momâs old school douche bag in the bathtub when she was a kid. She also used it to rinse her hair and play with the water that came out of the tip, as if she were at a water park. She thought it was a fun toy. It was always just there, hanging in the shower. She was mortified later in life when she realized what it was. We tell each other everything, yet she kept this dark secret from me until we were in our 40âs.
Sister #1: At the big family Christmas, opens her secret Santa gift that was in an envelope, so obviously a gift card - SCORE! Turns out to be a lame pack of Chuck E. Cheese stickers.
Sister #2: Well if that isnât drinkin from the douchebag if Iâve ever seen it!! (Exclaimed in front of the whole family while Sister #1 gives Sister #2 the stank eye