Short Meaning: Australian word meaning "Friend", can be used in the literal sense, but also as a general greeting towards, or addressing the attention of, an individual person, regardless of whether you have met before.
Long Meaning:
Short for Cobber in Australia. Cobber is a traditional Australian saying which is equivalent to the word "Mate", which itself in Australia means "Friend", but not literally 'Friend', as it can be used as a general greeting by anyone, regardless of whether you have ever met them before.
Cob / Cobber is mainly used today by "True Blue" Australians, (Long settled / Individuals of multi generational Australian heritage), however is rarely used now in major cities and has lost significant favour throughout Australia, with most people now using the word "mate" as the main greeting.
G'day Cob, how you been! (Good day buddy, how have you been)
What do you think of that, 'ey Cob! (What do you think of that hey buddy!)
Cheers Cob! (Thank you)
Ey Cob! (Hey buddy!)
Nice one Cob! (Nice one buddy!)
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Australian slang for "Some Other Cunts Kids", in reference to someone who's partner has other kids, used to refer to them when the kids of the previous partner(s) are in the house.
What are you up to? Just at home with the missus looking after the SOCKs.