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The following is the unbiased accurate definition of trolls as defined by internet society.

1. Trolls (n.) – the most important and integral part of networked society. The largest, most effective, devoutly objective, chaotically neutral, uniform and selfless autonomous collective to ever grace existence as an order of peace, stability and power. A collective that does not require self-awareness. The last true charitable organization, where every action is one that does not serve the cause of advancement, personal gain, discrimination or betterment. And… the only defense we have against ourselves.

2. Troll (n.) - one who upsets another without reason or direct personal comments.

3. Troll (n.) - the only effective defense against internet tough guys and the spread of ITGS (SEE: Internet Tough Guy Syndrome)

Tom - "Hey Jim, if it wasn't for these damn trolls maybe we could actually enjoy this online game."

Jim - "Tom buddy, if it weren't for trolls people would never raise awareness of this online game's shortcomings and promote the cause for the betterment of all online gaming. But yeah that guy was an asshole, lets go play something else."

by Vaccist June 10, 2010

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