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What was the reason!

An iconic phrase previously used Superstar Cardi B, that is used when someone can not answer your question and is being sus.
The phrase can also be used when u feel that a person is lying to you.
The phrase is usually shouted or exclaimed for emphasis.

You: "Why?"
Friend "..i dunno"
You "What was the reason!"

by ValoraGalaxy December 28, 2022


A more friend appropriate versions of the word babes. This word refers to a bestfriend, close friend, someone who gives you good advice or someone who has performed an act of kindness.
Babs often replaces words such as gurl, babe, hun, bestie, friend, bro, dude, fam, sis, etc.
It is more commonly used in text format but in also be used in ones casual conversation

"love you babs" - love you friend
"Your the babs" your the best my good friend
Using the word babs indicates that you find the person in question a friend!

by ValoraGalaxy December 28, 2022