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Anna is the cutest girl you’ll ever meet ever. Normally has green eyes that will brighten your day. Gorgeous blonde/brown hair that looks good when she does it up but somehow even better when it’s been in a messy bun for 3 days. Anna’s an insanely incredible leader. People around her notice how she leads by example, her sensitivity to others and what God is telling her, and her ability to bring others closer to Him. She sings regularly and has a voice of an angel. Incredibly enthusiastic and fun to hangout with. Def someone who you could talk to for hours and make out with afterwards for just as long.

Others fun facts include:
-Enjoys Seaweed, avacado toast and mushrooms (even if they taste like wet erasers)
-Has a deep passion for sleep deprivation

-Will probably break up with you if you don’t kill a spider in her room fast enough

Guy 1: Eyy bruh, who’s that fine lady walking over there

Guy 2: Oh that’s Anna

Guy 1: YO Anna’s are the rare ones

by Vapelord5752 October 8, 2019

13👍 4👎