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A swear word in Romanian which refers to a person that is stupid, that has no identity of his/hers/their own, that is completely ignorant.

"Măi imbecilu-le!" - "Yo, stupido!"
"Ești imbecil?" - "Are you stupid?"
"Ești mai imbecil decât mă-ta!" - "You are even more stupid that your mother!"

by VasluiPower May 22, 2019


1) Word in Romanian which refers to a person with difficulties / disabilities.

2) Swear word in Romania which refers to a person that has imaginary mental problems; acts like it has a real mental disability; similar in context with "retarded".

1) "Are handicap" - "He/She/They/Etc has a disability"
"Școală de handicapați" - "A school for people with disabilities"

2) "Ești handicapat" - "You're retarded"
"Handicapatu-le!" - "Retard!"
"Ce handicapat ești!" - "You're so fucking retarded!"

by VasluiPower May 22, 2019