Legal hallucinogenic drug, same as salvia
Dude1: Dude you get that gram of mexican tripping weed?
Dude2: Yeah man the salvia's right here, got the bong?
Dude1: Ah fuck!
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Salvia divinorum has become increasingly well-known and more widely available in modern culture. The rise of the Internet since the 1990s has seen the growth of many businesses selling live Salvia plants, dried leaves, extracts and other preparations. During this time medical experts and accident and emergency rooms have not been reporting cases that suggest particular health concerns and police have not been reporting it as a significant issue with regard to public order offences. Yet Salvia divinorum has attracted increasing attention from the media and some lawmakers.
After about our 3rd Salvia sesh, I was a hilbilly named Joe showing people my lawnmower and Harry was the Red Baron shooting down Snoopy
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