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Derived from Latin
Verb: To provide political commentary
Noun: A rare terminal heart condition that most commonly occurs in geriatric men who have type 2, 3, or 4 klimby.

Verb: Jonathan is a distinguished man, he often snigglewumps on British politics.
Noun: My grandpa just died... he had snigglewump due to type 3 klimby :( womp womp woooomp

by Veggie Dog Man June 5, 2023


Noun: Unable to pitch a tent.

See also:

You're such a fucking wobblymop, you sad waste of oxygen.

by Veggie Dog Man June 5, 2023


Latin: klimb - to climb

Verb: To cutely climb in a rodent-like manner
Noun: a phenomenon that most commonly occurs when one has romantic feelings towards a squirrel or similar climbing rodents

Verb: I klimbied up that wall so well, everyone thinks of me as the cutest rodent! I'm not a villain, but if I was, I could sneak anywhere that I'd surely be considered hot dog man for any crime!

Noun: I am so fucking attracted to that squirrel, I have type 2 klimby, but damnnnnn, she looks just like a rodent in those clothes.

by Veggie Dog Man June 5, 2023


a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.

be incompatible or at variance; clash.

Our interests are conflicting, we do not want to pusue both

by Veggie Dog Man June 5, 2023

Hot Dog Man

Hot Dog Man:

A person who seems suspicious for a specific crime, yet has no evidence pointing to them.

I didn't do it, I'm straight hot dog man, bro!

by Veggie Dog Man June 5, 2023


Noun: A teacher incapable of teaching/A person who overuses the phrase, "Don't shoot the messenger!"
Verb: To covertly fail at your job while implying innocence

Don't shoot the messenger guys, I'm no scher! I'm hot dog man!

by Veggie Dog Man June 5, 2023



Verb: The liquidation effect on the brain as a result of high G-loading.
Noun: A victim of the aforementioned

I drive so fast, I spingooed my grandma!

by Veggie Dog Man June 5, 2023