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This Group Sucks

Is to definite a group of individuals who actually suck at everything else but Roblox: Pressure and they are Soo extremely skilled they don't even shower once.

Hey your group sucks like This Group Sucks or TGS for short.

by Velitow January 30, 2025


A Person or an indivision with who hands out Blacklists or requests a blacklist to individuals or groups of people.

Hey I have been ordered to blacklist you from our company as a Blacklistertron, due to the violations you have committed here.

by Velitow January 30, 2025


is a term used for saying somebody is doing work or any task or anything else in general too fast, much faster than an ordinary person would do it.

Hey your going to fast like a Lightsynth, your gonna burn yourself out at this rate.

by Velitow January 30, 2025