1. In older times (40's-50's) a term for dogfights/airplane combat. 'Two turnin'' refers to the propellers, and 'two burning'' refers to the two machine guns affixed to the plane.
Two Turnin' Two Burnin', and flack so thick you can walk on it.
19👍 11👎
(The dictionary definition) 1. The sediment in a liquid; lees. Often used in the plural. 2. The basest or least desirable portion. Often used in the plural: the dregs of humanity. 3. A small amount; a residue.
(The Slang Definition) 1. A word used to describe someone who is less than desirable in the eyes of common society. See also outcast.
"Look at that guy, he such a freaking dreg."
"I hate that group. It's full of dregs."
85👍 25👎
Slang for large breasts
From the game RE4:
Luis, "I see the president has equipped his daughter with... Ballistics"
"Yo, dude... Look at the ballistics on that chick..."
97👍 44👎