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A Hypocrite is a person who has the following traits:
1 - Readily perceives and condemns faults in others, while failing to perceive and condemn faults of ones own (an example of Double-standard too)

2 - Claims to have higher moral standards or more noble beliefs than actually is the case

3 - Having one thing in mind (beliefs, values, standards, motivations) and saying something else or behaving differently


Priest (while delivering a sermon): “Those who watch blue films will be cursed by God to the darkest corner of Hell, after death.”

Insider: “He is an incorrigible hypocrite! He loves watching Porn on his laptop, late at night. He had also made advances to Nuns on several occasions, and on one occasion molested a Nun.”


Politician: “Many business men are serious tax evaders, they will be brought to book. Sometimes they’re helped by powerful people in the government to hide their illegal activities.”

Citizen: “It is like the pot calling the kettle black. This fellow is a shameless hypocrite! He has money stashed way in Swiss accounts and has used his connections to help his friends and relatives to either evade taxes or even to evade arrests.”

by VickramM May 8, 2015