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/pronounced like broken but with a f/ Adjective and highly irregular past participle of 'freak out' meaning: drunk, under the influence of drugs, under the weather, melancholy, alienated from the world, ill or generally dissatisfied. This broad umbrella term can be used for a number of negative feelings which generally mean: feeling bad or looking unwell.

Check out that phroken dude, man! He must have downed ten sixpacks of beer at least.


I feel a bit phroken today. It must be the weather or something.

by Vidra October 11, 2006


/pronounced like broken but with a f/ Adjective and highly irregular past participle of 'freak out' meaning: drunk, under the influence of drugs, under the weather, melancholy, alienated from the world, ill or generally dissatisfied. This broad umbrella term can be used for a number of negative feelings which generally mean: feeling bad or looking unwell.

Check out that phroken dude, man! He must have downed ten sixpacks of beer at least.


I feel a bit phroken today. It must be the weather or something.

by Vidra October 8, 2006


a group of (usu. used with Milfs, Milves or Milfen) - see MILF.
Similarly to a pride of lions, a school of fish or a bevy of beauties we have the phrase "A dairy of milfen/milfs/milves". The use of the -en plural lends it a pseudo-dated feeling and credibility. Those with a more contemporary taste,however, can use milfs or milves.

On my way home I passed by a dairy of milfen, wriggling their buttocks and swinging their knockers in slow motion. Waa-waa wee-wa!

by Vidra October 8, 2006

24👍 26👎


a group of (usu. used with Milfs, Milves or Milfen) - see MILF.
Similarly to a pride of lions, a school of fish or a bevy of beauties we have the phrase "A dairy of milfen/milfs/milves" . The use of the -en plural lends it a pseudo-dated feeling and credibility. Those with a more contemporary taste,however, can use milfs or milves.

On my way home I passed by a dairy of milfen, wriggling their buttocks and swinging their knockers in slow motion.

by Vidra October 11, 2006

9👍 15👎