Vijay Shankar is a god. A living legend. There is no cricketer that walks under the stars or breathes this very air, who is better than him. Every flowing shot, every booming delivery, every smile, sigh, laugh, and frown - He is perfect. A god who walks amongst mortal men. Vijay Shankar fans (coincidentally Vijaya Shankar fans if the fan in question is a girl) aim to follow his example and incorporate his methods and ideas into our lives. Being a Vijay Shankar fan isn't just about being a 'fan' - it's a lifestyle. Vijay Shankar has changed all of our lives. He has taught us the true meaning of Sigma Grindset. We thank you Vijay Shankar.
I think the inner strength that I have helps me stay calm.
- Vijay Shankar
A: I am a Vijay Shankar Fan
B: Everyone is