Source Code


a person who is cheap

Me: Did you ask Sam if he wants to go to the warriors game tomorrow?

Danny: Yeah, but he's just being a guj.

by Vipeezy May 19, 2008

16👍 22👎

silly dilly willie nelson style

the act of ending any phrase or comment with "silly dilly willie nelson style"

Jizzon: You guys ready to play some golf.

Peezy: Oh for sure. I'm gonna slap them, "silly dilly willie nelson style."

by Vipeezy May 21, 2008

8👍 7👎

big ass b

describe any person who has a lot of money and is doing well for themself.

Sam: I'm about to get a 6 series next week.

Dizzan: You just a "big ass b."

by Vipeezy May 21, 2008

1👍 5👎


Something you say when you're buzzed and intoxicated.

When you see a group of girls walking down the street who are looking fine, yell out "oyhr" to get their attention.

by Vipeezy October 15, 2008

1👍 2👎

really big b

describe any person who has a stupid amount of money

Sam: I'm about to buy a yacht today.

Dizzan: You just a "really big b."

by Vipeezy September 17, 2008

3👍 3👎