"Unofficial Day" is a lame asinine day, now two days, created by local bar owners to cleverly exploit dollars from immature risk-taking students. It's simply plan to minimize the dollars lost during the absence of students on St. Patrick's Day, which occurs while students are on the Uni's Spring Break. The idiotic event's only claim to infamy is marathon drinking while wearing green shirts. There is no entertainment; there are no festivals, no organized music concerts, NOTHING, except the attempts to make money by promoting the consumption of intolerable and unsafe amounts of alcohol by college students, many of them being underage. The promoters of this even make no efforts whatsoever to ensure, even the minimal safety of any participant. The 2007 event resulted in the death of a female. The students don't know any better, because they are young and impressionable, and see it as just another party without consequence. It is just a PITIFUL excuse by some local bar owners to exploit the ignorance of youth, and simply make money without any regard for the health, safety or laws of Champaign, Urbana or the Great State of Illinois.
Unofficial Day resulted in a death, number of arrests, violent crimes, to include rapes and assaults, and a sizable number of arrests.
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