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The Honor Academy

The position of sexual intercourse in which the man and woman are strictly face-to-face. Some believe that this is the only "honorable" way to have sex, and may only be executed within the context of marriage. Their reasoning comes from the fact that humans are the only living things to have sex face-to-face, although evolutionists bring strong, ape-saturated arguments to the table. It should also be known that a recent change in the rules has been added: the "Back 40" is strictly off limits, except when entered in the presence of a core advisor.

Dave: Dude, how is married life?
Ron: I can't even begin to describe how much The Honor Academy changed my life. Let's just say I'm enrolled in The HA and I will never leave!
Randy: Anyone who leaves The Honor Academy will be in sin for the rest of his life.
Ron: My thought exactly.

by Vonaphin January 28, 2010

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