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An obese woman with a minimum weight of 500lbs that plays World of Warcraft all day everyday.

This typical woman is unemployed, uneducated, and lives in a trailer. She will also flirt behind her boyfriends' back in order to get food and snacks from unsuspecting men.

Her picture is known for making men vomit on site.

She is also horrible at video games because of all the food residue constantly on her fat fingers. Her keyboard is known for having KFC chicken and burger meat under neath the keys.


Guild Chat: 'What happened to all the food in the guild bank?'
Rubisco: 'Sorry, I ate it. It just looked so good.'

Lugash: 'Didn't I just spend $200 at the grocery store today?'
Rubisco: *burps* 'Yeah, hun, you did.'

by Voodooi June 24, 2010

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