A form of a cockblock.
*Nudging yourself between a dude and a chick with the sole intention of interrupting any progress being made.*
There is no such thing as accidental snudging. Doing the same thing without intending to interrupt is considered a fuck up and can be forgiven.
Actual snudging is considered illegal in 12/13 of the provinces and territories and may be punishable by rearrangement of the face (Manitoba being the exception as snudging is impossible when only 2 persons are involved).
to snudge is to physically/literally place your body in-between the 2 people. Not symbolically, metaphorically, or any other form of ...ly.
Herp: Yo derp, saw you and herpette getting cuddly on the couch last night! how'd that go?
Derp: was going well until dickfuck sat between us and started hittin on her
Herp: What a dirty fucking snudger! lets kick his ass.
L: hey W, did you hook up S on the trip? cause whenever you were together, A totally snudged his way in there.
W: Yeah we did! A was just bein an idiot, which kinda helped me.
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