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DJ who uses the sync buttons or uses the newer technology (that reduces the craft to something any 4 year old could achieve) and then slags off the DJ’s that don’t

Also know as a Sync Button Fassyhole

“You mix like a Pussyole”


You - “Look mate at the end of the day you can mix however you want. No one is going to take your platform away from you. But… if you’re going to slag off, downplay and minimise the abilities of dj’s who put in the graft to learn a beautiful skill set that you clearly just want the quick and easy path to, then you are obviously a pussyole. What’s next? You gonna start throwing cakes or jump off the stage in your inflatable boat?”

Pussyole dj - “ok boomer”

You - “Wow devastating burn how will I ever recover? Have fun mixing like a 4 year old”

by WDYGSYM December 30, 2023