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Role Play

Any unnecessary gay socializing activity. Usually ( but not always) performed sober in large groups of people gathered to carry out said activity.

Some role play activities include :Bonfires, night swims, kickball, matt gorman parties, facebook, lindy hops, board game nights, the family, more than 500 pictures on your facebook, friendly's, sober bowling, the beach, the gym, texting, student council, black light parties, the YU crew, he boardwalk, theatre, PA, scavenger hunts, jeep wranglers, mikes hard lemonade, water pong, miller light, Frats, the mall, the movies, new friends, black and white pictures, oovoo, skype, chatroulette, dinner dates, straw chains, matching clothes with friends, pf changs, highschool,

by WHOAmccabe July 15, 2010

62👍 113👎