one of the worst things you could possibly be, emos are spoiled crybabies who seek attention. emo "guys" wear converse shoes, tight girl's pants that are too long, a shirt usually with a emo band logo or a shirt with broken hearts or other gay emo shit, they have hair over one of their eyes, and wear make up, or as they call it "guy liner", girls dress pretty much the same way. both emo guys and girls suck, but emo guys are worse, becuase they act like fuckin pussies. emos listen to bands like fallout boy, hawthorne heights, chiddos, my chemical romance, panic at the disco, etc. emos will do ANYTHING to get attention. they lie about having mental diseases such as skitosphrenia, or lie about getting raped, they pretend to be suicidal just for attention, they cut their wrists to fit in and too get attention. for some reason, emos think they are "unique" or "non-conformists" which does not make any sense at all, becuase you see like a million emos that look like clones of eachother, they dress to fit in. there is not much of a difference with emos and preps. emos cut themselves over stupid things, such as their girlfriend who they dated for 2 days broke up with them becuase their a fuckin pussy. some emo kids claim too be goth, which makes them even more of a fuckin poser. others pose in slayer shirts will at the same time wearing girls pants, becuase they think it makes them a metalhead. emos are spoiled ungartful brats, their all rich suburban white kids, who think theyre life is hard. emo is not a way of life, its a fuckin trend, thankfully, in a few years the emo fad will die out, but only with someother gay trend to come. preps think everyone that wears black is emo, so they think goths and metalheads are emo, which is fuckin retared, becuase the ONLY similarity is wearing black. emos also claim to be bisexual, for sttention so you will often see emo boys kaing out in public to get attention. emos also wirte retared poems about cutting themselves, and show it to everyone they know for attention.
and by the way, June 6th is national kill an emo day, mark your calenders
emo kid: my life is so horrible, my girlfriend broke up with me, now im gonna cut my wrists, i hope i die
anti emo kids: shut the fuck up, if your really sucidal, do us all a favor and go kill yourself, and if you think your life is hard, move to africa,
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