When a person loves dogs so much that they begin thinking they ARE a dog. (I know a person who is like this...)
Person 1- (walks on the floor on her hands and knees, barking like a dog) Person 2- Uhhhh... is she okay? Person 3- Yeah, sheâs just dogcrazy.
When a person loves cats so much, they start believing they ARE a cat.
The boy was catcrazy. He often meowed and purred, and he hissed at dogs. He climbed fences and trees, then needed the help of the fire department to get down.
When you are just so confused that the world looses all meaning. You forget everyone and everything, and the only purpose you have is to figure out what in the world is going on.
The girl translated a book character, but when the translater pulled up a word that didnât exist, the girl was confuezzled.
The girl had Blanketophobia, the fear of blankets, so she could not cover herself up when sleeping.