The active avoidance of any topic that goes against heteronormativity or questions the efficacy of the nuclear family.
I corrected him on the pronouns he used for me but he did the cishet shuffle and changed the topic.
22👍 17👎
noun. en-tre-pre-nen-ture
An entrepreneurial adventure
I'm looking for unpaid interns to go on an entreprenenture. I have an amazing app idea that's going to make millions.
A chad is someone who implicitly or explicitly enforces heteronormativity and strives to achieve basic western hegemonic masculinity.
However, the goal of hegemonic masculinity is often missed and confused for hypermasculinity or toxic masculinity.
Chads are often slightly emotionally repressed and reject or refuse to engage with the worldview of others.
Chads will typically do the cishet shuffle to avoid topics that reject or question heteronormativity or will refuse to engage with them point blank.
While usually intolerant of certain minority groups, chads' intolerance is usually caused by ignorance rather than active hatred.
Oh my god, don't make me go over there and talk to those chads
9👍 75👎