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Netflix Jail

Neflix Jail is the definition given to the common act Netflix does with foreign shows: They air episodes when they come out on the country of production's Netflix service, but users of Netflix versions outside of that region have to wait for at least 12 episodes to come out and then Netflix releases them all at once, essentially keeping the show in jail for foreign viewers until enough episodes are released.

"Wow I heard that Beastars is airing on Netflix, but I can't find it?"
"That's because there are only 4 episodes now. You've got to either use a VPN to access Japanese Netflix or wait at least 8 weeks for enough episodes to be released."
"Wow this Netflix Jail sure does suck"

by Waxymix November 3, 2019


Yeet is a word used by elementary-middle schoolers which think it makes them fit in and sound cooler when in reality it makes you seem five years older than you are.

*Classmate scores in basketball*
Everyone: "Woah! Nice one!"
That annoying kid that everyone hates: "YEET!"

by Waxymix October 1, 2019

Drink tea

It's what British people do

"Salutations my British friend. Would you like to drink tea and go meet the queen?"

"Oh course I'd like to, my dear acquaintance."

by Waxymix October 9, 2019

3👍 4👎