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Something crawled up your ass and died!

Term used to describe an unusually bad smelling fart. The implecation is that the fart smells like a rotting animal combined with shit.

Damn, John, what the hell happened? It smells like something crawled up your ass and died!

by Waycoolrich August 8, 2007

66👍 29👎

the drink

An ocean or other large body of water that is entered unintentionally.

Bob got drunk and put his car in the drink.

by Waycoolrich August 8, 2007

80👍 10👎

engineer humor

Stories, jokes, or comments spoken by an engineer that are funny only to other engineers. Appreciating the wit of engineer humor often requires advanced application of physical sciences, mathematics, computer science, and/or abstract thought.

Example of Engineer Humor

First Engineer: Hey Harold, how many engineers does it take to change a light bulb?
Second Engineer: About 3.14159.
(Both laugh hysterically)

by Waycoolrich August 8, 2007

48👍 17👎