a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.
a stretch or area of water, such as a river, sea, or lake.
"the lawns ran down to the water's edge"
one of the four elements in ancient and medieval philosophy and in astrology (considered essential to the nature of the signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces).
"a water sign"
the water of a mineral spring as used medicinally for bathing in or drinking.
plural noun: the waters
"resorts where southerners came to take the waters"
a solution of a specified substance in water.
"ammonia water"
"My friend offered me a glass of water"
"He watered the plants in the yard"
This exclamation is usually used when a human enjoys a certain flavor in food. When the pleasurable taste touches the tongue, this exclamation is always used.
Scott: How are those chips and apple slices?
Tommy: Mmmm! They're delicious!