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Raver Haters

People (or a single person) who don't like ravers or any kind of kandi kid. They'll often times go to raves just to mess with them. They'll do things like needle people (aids pixies), pull pranks, try to get raves shut down, and in general, ruin things for everyone. They're often close minded, up tight, and negative.

Person A (at a rave): So, on my way here these people kept messing with me and some of the other ravers; they were saying they were going to try to get us shut down! They were really mean to me and some of the other people that I came here with.

Person B: Wow, what raver haters.

by Weirdpx3 July 4, 2011

6👍 4👎

Aids Pixie

A person (boy or girl) whom runs around at raves with HIV/AIDS infected syringes and pricks people with them. These syringes are either filled with HIV/AIDS infected blood (whom the Aids Pixie will inject somewhere on you) or the needle tip itself is contaminated. Sometimes, it wont be a syringe but some sharp object (like a safety pin) that they'll poke you with instead just to mind fuck you. The victim of an aids pixie is usually some random person who's usually rolling and unaware of their surroundings. Female (very rarely male) aids pixies will sometimes wear fairy wings. Most raves don't have a lot of aids pixies, for a massive there's usually half a dozen to a dozen per thousand people (and maybe two of them are legit), at an underground there's maybe one or two (and they're probably fake and just messing with people). Legit aids pixies and even fake ones are referred to as raver haters

Person A: (raving to some house music, suddenly, an unidentified person sneaks up behind them and sharply pokes them with something) Oh shit! I felt a sharp poke, probably an aids pixie! I should go to the emergency room!

by Weirdpx3 July 4, 2011

13👍 6👎