Men have muscular physics -- with a dong. They got short hair. They never wear dress's because that's not for men. Adam was the first Man,
Personalty & Behaviour:
A day in the life of a Man: He drives his racecar to the office, and then he gets out!! Next step is work. Work, work, work.After work they have The Big Game to look forward to at dusk. The night would be perfect, but it's too bad the lawnmower needs fixing! The Man goes straight to his hamer. There! Fixed! After Wife puts down the kid's, its time for sex. The gentleman prefers oral, but if he doesn't get it every night, he's dfw. He does thrusts, and then there's the sperm! Then it's time for work again!!!!!!!! By the way, he speaks in a deep voice.
Hobbies of Men: Discus, power, Marlboro, target practice, and The Good Life.
Men in the Media: Method Man, Red Man, others
Men are actually pretty great guys, they have some personality issues but who doesn't these days? Men is the complete package, tall, dark, and handsome,