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Slut-shaming is when someone either
A: Assumes someone is a slut or skank or etc. and starts bullying them for something potentially untrue
B: same as A but the person becomes a thing not a human.
C: Something that NEEDS TO STOP!!

Option A
Girl 1: hey did you see what she wore today it shows off her boobs, such a slut.
Girl 2: I know right , such a skank.
and it keeps going.

Option B:
*Boys start going up to her and saying thing like* "Nice Boobs." "Wanna come to my place later my parents don't get home till late." "Hey sexy" or even squeezing boobs, butt etc.

Option C: (What should happen in all these scenarios) Girl/Boy 3: This needs to stop, stop slut-shaming her.

by WhoRunsTheWorldGirls April 2, 2017

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