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The act of becoming exuberantly inebriated with a sibling of the same sex and proceding to engender in one sided anal innercourse.

"(to) sandbar"

Sam: Hey mike, did mom cook dinner yet?
Mike: Im not talking to you.
Sam: Why?
Mike: Because you sandbared me lastnight and you know it.

Ace: Hey dads cooking steaks tonight!
Gary: Your right. We better get a good sandbaring in before he gets home!

Teacher:Joe your grades have been sub par, youve been 0 habitually absent, and youve had trouble sitting in class.
Whats going on with you?
Joe:My brother....... He......
Teacher: (gasp) He didnt...... sandbar you..... Did he?
Joe: Yes, every weekend.

William: To sandbar, or not to sandbar? That is the question.
Steve: Well i hope my rusty sherifs badge winking at you answers your question. Now grab that turkey baster full of jack and fill up my darkstar.

Paramedic: This guys O2 levels are low. Im going to administer lactated ringer's to bring his liquids up.
Paramedic 2: This kid has a load of cum in his ass. He doesnt need any more liquids.

Paramedic: He was probably getting sandbared all night. Alright johnny, your going to feel a little prick, but it wont be as bad as the first one.

by Why not the russian bear? November 8, 2011

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