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Corporate-English: Corporate buzz words that dumb people use to sound important in a place of business. Usually oblivious to the user and annoying to the people around them. Frequently used by brownnosers and douche bags.

"We're going to maximize outtake through synergizing our paradigm and reaching out to our colleagues to realign our focus without having to reach for the low hanging fruit. We will touch base with our results going forward."

"Will you stop with the fucking cringlish you brown nosing douchebag!"

by Wildfire83 June 19, 2009

24👍 2👎

Sorry for the blast

1. When you apologize to someone before you shoot them or blow up their home.

2. Acknowledging that when you email many people with a pointless topic which nobody cares about, you are annoying them.

To: Company - All
From: Douchy McDouche
Subject: Car with lights on.

Sorry for the blast, but a black honda with license plate DOUCHE BAG has left it's lights on.

by Wildfire83 March 17, 2010

5👍 1👎

10 o'clock rush

When every bathroom stall is occupied in a workplace, due to employees saving their bowel movements for excretion during company time.

Employee 1: "Man I'm going to shit my pants! I need to take a huge dump and every stall is being used!"

Employee 2: "10 o'clock rush... just shit in the urinal."

by Wildfire83 September 21, 2011

4👍 1👎