An excuse for being music by the retards that enjoy it, but be assured it's just a very simpled minded childish elementary schemed game, and game is the key word. (It's a fucking game is what I mean you fucking brainless retards.) Bored little poor kids made it, stupid people, and billions of dollars is how it got where it got today. The music is shit, but it's really the stupid fucking brainless people killing themselves to try to look coo whom insist that they like it is what actually pisses everyone off.
After having it in my face my whole life, and coming from right next to minutes away from the projects the music itself is the downfall of humanity, and what has come from it depresses me. For instants kids as young as 10 are selling drugs, as well as getting pregnant from trying to act coo, and mature.
Composure wise rap gamers (not at all artist) barely - to do not at all make their own beats. They sample some "beats" from a DJ's machine (it makes the beat), and decide which ones give them the best adrenaline flow to think the best. The rest is just smack talk.
As for the stupid fucking brainless people that like it, I relay this message to you - it's time to move on soldier. Hear me out. The only quality part of it is its beat, and just try to imagine there's music where the beat is just as good, and a lot better (being much more complex), but is only just 25% of the entire song's composure, but it's made by people's hands/feet(drums). Also hating rap has nothing to do with hating black people, it's about hating poverty, and those who thrive in its misery. After all the blues, and R&B (-modern day r&b) is all about black people, and ever music fan like them.
Rap gamer fans it's time to grow up. Techno is like white people's rap.
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