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Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels

A brilliant movie, which you can't help watching a million times without gettin bored.
Best if you want to improve your Cockney =)

(From Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels)

- Oh and, if you do have to buy sodding fertiliser, could you be a little more subtle?
- What d'you mean?
- We grow copious amounts of ganja right?
-( nods and smiles stupidly) Yeah !
- And you're carrying a wasted girl and a bag of fertiliser... You don't look like your horti-fucking-culturalist. That's what I mean Willie.

by Willxl January 17, 2007

64👍 18👎


Nicolas Sarkozy is the first dwarf to be elected as president of france.

From hungarian descent, he was elected on his pledge to "sweep off the scums", meaning the muslim population that france has piled up in suburban ghettos since they helped rebuilding the country after WW2.

His hobbies are : passing laws that only contribute to his associates and himself (1st thing he did as President was to raise his salary up to 140%), openly trying to pull strings for his sons, hanging out with french jet-set, appearing wasted during the G8 meeting, after a "private meeting" with Poutine, etc

Hated by most of the french for not keeping promises and acting like a jerk (although they had it coming), he is currently awaiting to be replace in 2012.

You: - Have you heard the lastest rumor about sarkozy and bruni?
Me : - No, because i don't give a shit.

You : - How did this joke get elected?
Me : - Ask the 53% of braindeads who voted for him

by Willxl April 24, 2010

100👍 21👎


To a lotta american rednecks, frenchies are often seen as wimps and pussies. The funny thing though is that none of those rednecks know the first thing about France except for what they've seen on american TV, where the french are generally pictured as gayish, over sophisticated frog eaters.
In reality, frenchies are rather macho, cocky and rude, yet they bathe regularly and their women do shave their armpits and all the rest (in my experience).

They are heavy weed smokers (n°1 in Europe) and road killers (also n°1 on alcohol-related crashes in Europe)

Also, despite common belief, they don't hate the US (lots of em are yankee wanabees), they gave up wearing "kepi" since 1930 or so, and eating frogs or snails isn't "cool" to them.
From what i've seen they ain't especially lightweight and they won't take shit from anywone without responding.

At last, they are rather warm toward foreigners and they won't mind treating you to a bottle of good wine or a big friendly buzz if you come over.

Overall frenchies are cool and yet misunderstood

Redneck : I saw that movie the other day, with that frenchie, dude he was such a faggot, i so hate those puffs!

Me : Fuck off you fuckin muppet.

by Willxl June 5, 2007

754👍 327👎