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Regressives are left-wing authoritarians who prioritize identity politics and intersectionality over traditional politics; they are nasty dregs of little intellect, crude understanding, and a mean-spirited nature which they project into their enemies, almost every accusation against them is a self-report; their lack of empathy and abstract thought makes it impossible to place themselves in the minds of their opponents, they must fill in the gaps of what might motivate someone with their own insecurities, fears, and frame of mind. Unlike progressives, they are decidedly against free speech, though they attempt to cloak this in the name of "fighting hate"

Regressives are impetuous, emotionally immature, and emotionally fragile; they childishly lash out at any slight real or imagined, and the punishment for the slight is typically out of proportion for what the slight was, for they believe the world revolves around their feelings. If you are the cause of any emotional pain they endure, you committed an objective wrong and need to be punished regardless of intent.

Ressgrivess are amoral; right and wrong are completely dependent on how they feel insofar as they acknowledge right and wrong exist. They value nothing but their own feelings, not only is nothing sacred to regressive, they enjoy trampling on what is sacred to others, and they take a perverse satisfaction from profaning the good, the true, and the beautiful.

"Leftists" are not the ones pushing the trans agenda, regressives are.

by WizardWhoKnocks October 26, 2022