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(Adjective) A word that refers to when something is so utterly outrageous and bizarre that it can only be compared to the likeness of the anime known as Baki, a show filled with goofy characters doing dumb things that don't. This anime was created by Keisuke Itagaki with the purpose of solely pleasing the next generation of kids after One Piece finishes with its 100,000-episode finale

This word takes reference from the show, BAKI, an anime with a plot that makes so little sense that people have coined the phrase, "What is Baki even about?" to refer to when something doesn't make sense, th

Synonyms: Weird, stupid, dumb, idiotic, cowardly, strange, bizarre, odd, crazy, ridiculous, absurd, mindless brain-rot
Antonyms: Cool, urbane, suave, smart, elegant, intelligent, sophisticated

Person 1: Did you hear bout that new world's smallest violin
Person 2: Nah that shit sounds baki af.

by WoodChipperWeeWee December 21, 2023