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m ate ee

pirates say matey to one another instead of friend or comrade or bro.

m8y is slightly shorter and makes use of the number 8, which is always a plus for anything that has to do with piracy.

the british loyalist country continent of austrailia says a similar m8, tho, sellouts aren't pirates, they're just sellouts.

arrr m8y, fetch me some rum or i'll run ye thru.

by WordRepoMan January 21, 2013

618πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž



1) A man made gadget that preforms a task to the benefit of it's creator.

2) A soulless human being that's only as alive as much as a running clock or car

3) Machine, slang for dope needle. One who uses dope becomes a machine for it and they feel that they are just a machine when they don't have any more dope.

1) The dope machine is broken, brittany will probably start getting fat.

2) brittany spears is a machine.

3) brittany spears has a machine sticking out of her tail pipe.

by WordRepoMan June 21, 2013

328πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

swapping the monkey

a feat of stealth used by thieves to successfully pilfer items atop a pressure plate.

wife speaking to her husband: why is this coffee so weak, were you fucking swapping the monkey with your cup in the coffee maker again? that's it! we're getting a divorce!

by WordRepoMan January 15, 2013

593πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


gfy's - go fuck yourselves

plural form of gfys.

go fuck yourselves

hey Mr. cunt Southwood (some old wrinkly homo from spaghetti westerns)

you, your friends, your political party, and all your multiple personalities can go find yourselves squarely atop your own wrinkly impotent acorns. gfy's

by WordRepoMan January 21, 2013

842πŸ‘ 207πŸ‘Ž


the sound that a whip makes.

"Get back to work!"

mush mush *Whack* mush *Whack*

by WordRepoMan April 5, 2013

679πŸ‘ 243πŸ‘Ž

whiskey dick

1. a dick that's been jerked off so much and so often that it can no longer ejaculate during sex.

2. over training of the male reproductive system.

3. whiskey is distilled from a beer like ferment. whiskey dick is invoking the fact that both whiskey it's self and whiskey dick are a more potent version of their original nature. whiskey through distillation whiskey dick through way too much masturbation.

(note even though someone with whiskey dick cannot ejaculate during sex they may still be extremely virile as they tent to produce precum more easily, which also contains sperm cells)

whiskey dick

1. my boyfriend rocks me all night long but he never cums in me.

2. girl, don't even worry about it. it takes me 30 minutes to an hour at 40mph to blow my load.

"note. all previous entries that speak of erectile dysfunction are just mean spirited nonsense and are actually talking about drunk dick."

by WordRepoMan January 16, 2013

1547πŸ‘ 838πŸ‘Ž


new-vo nah-tsee

Nuvo - from "Nouveau" the gay "Art Nouveau" movement that began in early Nazi Germany.

Nazi - German political party that once shared time with the Art Nouveau movement.

a leftist hate group known for traditional Nazi behaviors in regards to retardation, blacks, and foster a deep hatred toward Christianity as well as anyone who isn't gay and like minded in regards to the two aforementioned demographics.

online usernames known to be members of the Nuvonazis include Pewdiepie and Mylittlepwny.

known Nuvonazi activities include propaganda supporting the Waco and Ruby Ridge sieges as well as a general support for the ATF.

Nuvonazis are known for supporting the creation of a totalitarian police state and voiding disability entitlements.

Nuvonazis greatly support Bill Clinton and praise the changes he made to SSDI and his Don't ask, Don't Tell policy as well as his leaving states the power to redefine what constitutes as a Marriage. this suits their needs as it forces gays to inhabit the same areas so that they can solidify centers of political power.

Nuvonazis currently have/attempt to populate and politically dominate places such as California, Portland Oregon, Madison, WI.

Nuvonazis also share Neo-Nazi hatred for African Americans as it is Known to them that blacks are a predominantly an anti-gay demographic.

Nuvonazis have been known to write for Adventure Time.

Nuvonazis currently work to micromanage against casual cussing(only exception when posting to 4chan where they perform Operation CHAOS activities for a seemingly centrist benificiary but ultimately for top wage earning plutocratic fascists)

Nuvonazis have close ties to the entertainment industry and online social media.

Nuvonazis will often characterize themselves as "Professional students" and manipulate the system to stay in collage indefinitely.

Nuvonazis permeate the online gaming industry as it's a predominantly juvenile male demographic which they're sexually attracted to.

Nuvonazis often take on male pedophile Pedofag mannerisms to heavy extremes.

AkA "Lavender Mafia" perceived Operation CHAOS elements within the Catholic church

Nuvonazis are often found being irrationally pedantic in regards to the use of the English language(spelling punctuation etc) and abhor slang/cussing.


Mylittlepwny- I hope you never reproduce you retard.
Pewdiepie- you can say that again baby!

by WordRepoMan May 3, 2013

403πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž