When playing either "Apples to Apples" or "Cards Against Humanity," it is the feeling of massive regret you feel immediately after drawing a new card when you are stuck having played a previous answer that does not work nearly as well as the new one would have.
*player picks up new card from the deck and looks at it*
Player 1: Aw, man! This would have been way funnier than the one I put down.
Player 2: That's afterburn for you.
-Part fart, part poop, in your pants.
-A fun alternative to the shart.
-A phenomenon occurring in your pants, caused by a sour and unfortunate misjudgment of a fart's character, leading to soiled under-drawers and/or panties.
"Dude, can i borrow your g-string? I just ruined mine with a sick nasty part-fart."
"I just part-farted, awww shit! No pun intended"
"That part-fart almost got the best of my skeebies, but my coarse anal hair blocked the blast."
"Does anyone have a time machine by chance? I just part-farted."