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Cismisia, the hatred or hate towards cisgender people. The suffix -misia is from the Greek word that means, “hate” or “hatred of”. Cismisia can occur regardless of the person’s reasoning. You do not need to be oppressed to experience Cismisia, any unreasonable/unwarranted verbal as well as physical displays of hate towards cisgender people, are cismisia.

Cismisia examples can include verbal bullying, online bullying or physical. Phrases such as wishing death or bodily harm upon all cisgender people that have wronged no one, is cismisia.

by WorldEquality4All August 29, 2021

2👍 2👎


Dislike or prejudice towards cisgender people, also
known as, people that identify with their assigned sex/gender given at birth. Cisgender people do not need to be considered oppressed to be the victims of Cisphobia. The suffixes -phobic and -ism are entirely different which many people confuse together. -ism is the suffix in which oppression needs to occur. -phobia is the suffix in which any acts of dislike or prejudice need to occur.

Cisphobia/Cisphobic examples include: “Death to all Cisgender people” , “I wish all Cisgender people would die” , “All cis people are transphobic.” , “Cis people don’t deserve rights.”, “I can’t be cisphobic because I am oppressed.” , “I don’t have cisphobia, I’m not afraid of cisgender people, I just hate them!”

by WorldEquality4All August 29, 2021

73👍 107👎