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Drinking game. One person comes up with a scenario (For example: "It's 1985, you're in LA on the Sunset Strip. A gang of biker vampires have just kidnapped your girlfriend and you're working out your masterplan to go and rescue her on your Harley Davidson. You think of an idea, put on your shades and walk to your bike. What song is playing in the background?"

Then the other people in the game have got 30-seconds to find the perfect song on their phone and each person gets to play a bit of it to the group. The person who came up with the scenario chooses a winner and all the losers have to drink a shot.

The next scenario is then chosen by the next person around the table.

Anyone fancy a quick game of Songz whilst we're pre-drinking?

by Wp1981 March 5, 2019


When your cat goes absolutely mental for half an hour at 8pm on the dot every night.

"Look at Coco Zesting up and down the stairs again! She goes totes mentz at 8pm every night!"

by Wp1981 March 5, 2019

2👍 2👎