Nigar Nyh-jahr( Greek. Ni - number, Gar - one), originally an adjective used to describe the coruscating reflection of phallic effervescence on pulchritudinous women. The term was coined by the first woman called Nigar, which was believed to have been equipped with at least 41 square kilometers of concentrated mass near the pelvic area, enough mass to satisfy all your moms. In contemporary times it refers to a large beautiful dong or woman.
Roses are red violets are blue, this was for Tinder , that much is true.
" Ah man look at that nigar, just wow"
" Ah man, a nigar like that will be hard to find"
" Stop swinging that god damn nigar around dude "
10👍 3👎
Lotti(<Lau-tea>, from old Norse; Lot - Superior, Ti - foxy, beguiling) , a mythological creature believed to originate from Snorre's prosaic Edda, portrayed as a mischievous yet seductive troublemaker. With its thicc curly hair and fierce nature it prowls in the night seeking for its next pray to obfuscate and seduce. In nordic mythology it has often been symbolic for deceit, joy and beauty. Though, Lotti is often mixed up with Loki's half-brother Fenrir, since its furry and "deceitful" nature strikes a resemblance.....
I mean some of this might be true?
"God damn politicians, talk about being a real Lotti!"
"I am so happy that I'd transform into a Lotti"
" Damn I paid too much, she Lottied me out of a lot of money! But she was such a Lotti though.."